Here's Walker with the boys:
Here's Walker with the boys:
The BBFL has four proposed rule changes. Returning BBFL team owners may now vote on these propositions. The fourth pro, which has three options, will be voted on via the Borda Count Method. In voting for such propositions, owners must rank their answers from most favored to least favored.
To vote, send an email to bbfl at scottlucas dot com. Please put your team name in the message so I can keep track of who has voted. Use this forum to discuss your vote, the upcoming season, or whatever.
Voting ends at 1159pm PST, Monday, February 27. I will immediately begin placing owners with teams depending on the voting results, and when that process ends, I'll open the trading window.
Mike Green - Wednesday, February 22 2006 @ 11:07 AM EST (#141427)
[Feb. 22] is also J.J. Putz's birthday. In honour of bureacratic delays, I thought that we might work on an all-insult Hall of Names. Lefty (Goofy) Gomez and Phil Paine would be all right, although Putz gets the gold so far in insult value...
These problems should not happen again, because we're in the process of changing providers of domain names. (By the way: for those in positions of power: Never ever deal with Internet Names for Business, also known as the domain registration arm of Rogers Hosting.)
UPDATE Feb 23, 10:52 am: Our domain has finally been renewed correctly, and should be coming back on the air in your vicinity very shortly.
UPDATE Feb 23, 1:06 pm: We're back, baby!
So what's new?
Now, it's mom's turn. Yep, that's right, happy birthday, mom, and here's your own All-Birthday (February 17) squad ...
After tallying up the results the winner is Wildrose!
That's right, it's a very special reader's challenge edition of Baseball's Hall of Names as we assemble ...
Here at Superfluous U, you will be brought up to date on the favourite Baseball Withdrawal Syndrome cure of our glamourous, colourful and honourable neighbours to the south: college hoops. Not only that, this is the primer specifically for Jays fans and other Canadians.