Regular readers of Da Box may recall that we have introduced Hall of
Names holiday themes before -- not just Christmas, either, as one of
the very first Hall of Names entries was dedicated to (and published
St. Patrick's Day. Other odes to
Thanksgiving, the
U.S. Independence Day,
Canada Day, and several others, have also appeared.
And yes, we've tried Christmas -- like this less-than-successful group effort in 2003 and a rather better "ode" to Christmas Carols just last year, in '05. Earlier that same holiday season, we built a team called The Chrismas Presence made up of players born on Dec. 25 -- yes, including one guy born that day actually named "Jesus."
For this year, let's think a bit about those colourfully decorated
boxes under the tree that get dismantled while the holiday turkey is in
the oven. Yes, that's right, last year we met The Christmas Presence,
and this year we're going for ...