Hey Look! An Actual Book Review!
These included, among others, three different iterations of the initial announcement, one collecting questions for what would become the first Batter's Box "group interview" chat (read the transcript) and a review of the actual Annex presentation, covered by our own Thomas and NFH, pen and camera in hand, respectively.
We've had quite a lovefest for author/historian and baseball journalist Alan Schwarz here on Batter's Box Interactive Magazine recently, publishing no less than six distinct threads related to his recent appearance at Toronto's Learning Annex. |
That seems like quite enough, wouldn't you think? Oh no, certainly not. In fact, quite recently another member of the Roster, who shall go nameless here, dropped me an e-mail, the essence of which read "Yo, nimrod." (I am paraphrasing here.) "All this, and don't you think it'd be smooth if we included an actual review of Schwarz's book?"
Oh yeah! So here we go ...
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