Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine
Seems required. The story so far:
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I figure this is what we are all thinking about with the Jays odds at FanGraphs for playoffs down to 1.1% now. (2.7% at Baseball Prospectus). So lets do a thread for just this.
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Baseball. It's back.
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And you may ask yourself,
"Well, how did I get here?"

Cast your mind back, back, back... to one month ago. The 16th of June, to be precise (also known as Bloomsday to Joyceans like myself.)
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On a boring 'no game day' and with the season looking like a lost one (odds of playoffs at 2.5% as I type), let's look at what the Jays future needs are and when, with who is next in line for each position.
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Few things in life are certain, but all my life I'd been pretty sure I knew who was the greatest living baseball player. Now of course, all is confusion.
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The homestand continues this afternoon as the not-so-mighty Chicago White Sox providing the opposition.

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A six game homestand commences with a visit from the Tampa Bay Rays.
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The wounded Jays head into New York for three games. The Yankees are 6-1 with a +7 run differential as they return for their home opener. The Jays are 3-4 with a -14 differential.
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Well, time to finally get into the pitchers side of this. Wonder if any of these records (good or bad) will be broken in 2024?
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Until I start really paying attention.
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Time for a new spring training thread. A spring training that is about to get biz-zay. The Jays play 13 games in the next 11 days. There are split squad games on the next two Sundays.
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As we head towards a new season I thought it would be fun to see how good/bad it can get at each position and when we had that.
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Let's dig into some projection systems for this team as we near the end of winter. I figure it is about time as the team is unlikely to change much now. I figure this is the best way to cause a trade/free agent signing to happen. Putting this together now when all seems quiet.
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