So what is it with baseball and lawyers? I'm not talking about the Scott Boras types who defile the game each offseason or even the occasional Tony LaRussa or Bart Giamatti who are headed to the Hall of Fame; I mean,
what is it with lawyers and baseball? For instance, I was reading the work of the incomparable
Jamey Newberg, lawyer and online guru of all thing Texas Ranger, when I started thinking about the number of lawyers, law students and legal professionals who populate the
Batter's Box Roster: Jordan, Craig, Mike D., Mike G., Leigh; Spicol even takes pains to label himself a "non-lawyer."
I'm not the first to notice this, either; for instance,
Baseball Think Factory has an entire page dedicated to unveiling the number of BTFers in the legal field. There are many others; the late but truly great
Doug Pappas comes to mind.
Forget the lawyer jokes; I am serious and curious here -- this is a real ...
Question of the Day: What is it about baseball that draws lawyers to write about it? ... and conversely, what is it about lawyers that draws them to baseball? You lawyers out there, step up and speak for yourselves (please, make it "brief" - HAR!); everyone else, please feel free to speculate.
Oh, and as per usual Make Your Own Roundup threads, if there's baseball news, shout it out and link to it. The first person making a Keith Law joke in response to the QOTD will be sued.