Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine
Buffalo scored one run with six hits and that was not enough for a win. Alan Roden was the only hitter with two hits. Riley Tirotta tripled.

Scranton 4 Buffalo 1

Three Stars

Third Star - Paolo Espino

Second Star - Riley Tirotta

First Star - Alan Roden



Paolo Espino started for Buffalo and did OK. He was charged with two runs in six innings. New Bison pitched the seventh. Braydon Fisher came on for the eighth, two outs then walk, home run. Buffalo were down 4-1.

The Bisons were outhit 7-6. Alan Roden had the first two Bison hits, a double and a single. Riley Tirotta tripled in the fifth to score Buffalo's only run. Orelvis singled and struck out three times.

Quiet Game in Buffalo | 2 comments | Create New Account
The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.
Glevin - Friday, September 20 2024 @ 09:36 AM EDT (#452769) #
I have visions of Roden as leadoff hitter vs RHP next year. Optimistic? Sure but he had a .411 OBP in AAA in the second half of the season and a .414 OBP against RHP all year long. Think if you have Roden, Horwitz, Vlad near top of the order, you are going to get a lot of baserunners.
jerjapan - Friday, September 20 2024 @ 10:25 AM EDT (#452773) #
I could see Roden playing a role next season for sure, although with the glut of position players on the 40 man, I can't see him making the team outright barring a monster spring.
The org sure likes him, you see it in his aggressive promotions and lineup positioning.  He has to be added to the 40 man next year, so barring injury, he seems a lock to play in the bigs.
Right now, I think Lukes has first dibs on the role you described Glevin. 
Quiet Game in Buffalo | 2 comments | Create New Account
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