Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine
It has not been a good season in New Hampshire. Their season finished Sunday with another loss. Buffalo also lost as Jake Bloss had some good and some bad. Speaking of good, Josh Kasevich homered again.

Buffalo 2 Gwinnett 6

New Hampshire 1 Somerset 5

Three Stars

Third Star - Pass

Second Star - Pass

First Star - Pass



Jake Bloss cruised through the first three innings but ran into trouble in the fourth. Three singles to start the inning led to a run. A walk loaded the bases. A couple of ground ball outs added a couple more runs. Bloss came out for the fourth. An error put the lead off hitter on. He stole second and third and scored on a sac fly. That was 80 pitches and the end of the day for Bloss. 4.2 innings, five hits, one walk, four K's and four runs, three earned.

The Bisons scored two runs with five hits. Josh Kasevich got the scoring started in the second inning with a home run, his second in AAA. Damiano Palmegiani doubled in the eighth and scored on a sac fly from Jon Clase.

Just three hits, all singles for New Hampshire and they scored their run without any of those hits. Two walks and an error loaded the bases and a ground out by Josh Rivera scored the run.

Kevin Miranda made the spot start and gave up four runs in 4.2 innings. CJ Van Eyk threw the last two scoreless innings. It has been a generally disappointing season for Van Eyk but he did finish well. Over his last ten appearance totaling 15 innings, he has given up just three runs.

New Hampshire End With a Whimper | 30 comments | Create New Account
The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.
Gerry - Sunday, September 15 2024 @ 08:32 PM EDT (#452599) #

The last week of the minor league season is here and it is time to ask for your feedback before next season. We continue to write these minor league updates as we have done for the last fifteen or so years but it is now easier and easier for anyone to find the information themselves. Because Vancouver plays on the west coast, the minor league updates do not get posted until the next day and by then a lot of you have looked up the results yourselves.

I have noticed several times this season that I will make some comments in the update, say player X had a big game, or player Y is on a hot streak. Then someone will post in the comments that player X had a big game or player Y is on a hot streak suggesting the poster didn't feel the need to read the original post. So we need to know, and please be honest, do you read the full minor league update or do you know the details before we get to publishing?

Do you think there is a better way of doing the MLU's, do we need a full MLU or do you just need a place to post your minor league comments and observations? Should we just post the results and three stars with a brief note of big games but no game details? Or publish at night without Vancouver and update the next day. What do you think?

If you read the minor league updates please give us some feedback. We publish every day and it goes into the void. We have no way of knowing how you use these updates, we would like to know.

hypobole - Sunday, September 15 2024 @ 10:04 PM EDT (#452600) #
Gerry, I have a link to the Jays milb scoreboard, so i know the box scores in advance. I still usually read your posts. I definitely read your post yesterday to make sure I wasn't repeating information on Quinones being 11-0 on the season. It annoys me when I post something and then a while later someone else posts the same thing, so I really try not to do that.

However, non-boxscore things like releases, promotions etc, I usually find out from you or other posters.

Ducey - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 12:35 AM EDT (#452602) #
I read the update everyday. And use the links to check the box scores.

Much appreciated.
Kelekin - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 03:35 AM EDT (#452603) #
From my end, I leave a tab open with the Jays box scores, so I mostly just come for the discussion. It's a lot of effort on your guys' part to maintain it every day - so I think whatever is easiest on you, we'll be okay with.

I can only speak for myself, but a weekly thread posted on Mondays (the usual "milb off-day") with pre-populated links for the week ahead (i.e., would be more than enough. This also aligns with the fact some of the minor league teams now play the same team for a full week, and the post can be edited throughout the week with scores or comments if needed.

I think it might also lead to more discussion to have fewer threads, because often times once we move on to the next day, the discussion doesn't continue.

I've been reading these MLUs for a very, very long time, and it's always been appreciated as a daily prospect watcher. But I think making changes that makes it easier on you guys would be best.
BlueJaysLifer - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 06:47 AM EDT (#452604) #
Hi Gerry, I do both but to be honest prefer the MLU recap as it has items I had not seen or thought to look into. Like your comment on Van Eyk I would gaze the stat line and think poor season. However, when you point out that his time in the pen over the last month has been good. I look at that and think about how bad the Jays pen is, and wonder if there is a role for him? So please keep it!
bpoz - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 07:25 AM EDT (#452605) #
I read all of the MLU but don't use the link to the box scores. Instead I go to the each minor league site because I want to know the time of the next game and who is the starting pitcher. I also get the box score there and with the schedule I can go to past games for more details. I do enjoy analyzing the yearly progress of players that catch my interest. I also follow gameday as the game is played.

I am flexible towards anything that makes it easier for the MLU writers.
Glevin - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 08:48 AM EDT (#452608) #
I know the scores beforehand but come into check as well. I also think often the "so and so is hot" that is also in the article is more about maybe trying to get a conversation going rather than not reading the article. I like things as is but also would be fine with experimenting with different things if that makes sense for you.
jerjapan - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 09:37 AM EDT (#452614) #
Personally, I love how old-school the box is. It suits my obstinately old-fashioned personality..

So I get my box scores here first. I’ll probably read half of the updates from start to finish.

It feels more like print journalism to me. That day-to-day vibe does give me context on some of the minor leaders that I otherwise wouldn’t get.

I think go with the format that works best for you guys, the authors. And thanks to you guys, and everyone else, for keeping this place going!
scottt - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 09:43 AM EDT (#452615) #
I read the minor post every day. I find it informative because I don't follow the minor stats nor watch the minor league games.

Thanks for another great year.
uglyone - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 10:18 AM EDT (#452617) #
I think the sorry tate of the farm system this year might be contributing to the lack of enthusiasm in the prospects threads. I have to admit that sometimes my eyes glaze over when the names involved are all pretty obviously non-prospects.

But I still love the recaps, especially the colour that gives us the sequencing and context that is harder to glean from the boxscores.
pooks137 - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 10:48 AM EDT (#452623) #
I'm just an occasional tourist here.

But I never actually read the MLU.

I simply scroll down to the comments.

TBH, the comment count is the determining factor whether I even open the thread in the first place.
Super Bluto - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 11:38 AM EDT (#452628) #
Since they released Rafael Ohashi, I've been too upset to read anything about the Jays' minor league affiliates.
uglyone - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 11:46 AM EDT (#452630) #
a lot of dissappointing performances from kids added at the deadline unfortunately. most of the onest that looked the most promising tbh - Clase, McAdoo, Coffey, etc.

though some overage maybe-prospects like Wagner and Schreck have surprised.

* Wagner HOU A (22-22): 128wrc+
* Wagner HOU A+ (23-23): 123wrc+
* Wagner HOU AA (23-24): 114wrc+
* Wagner HOU AAA (24-25): 132wrc+
* Wagner TOR AAA (25-25): 197wrc+
uglyone - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 11:49 AM EDT (#452632) #
a lot of dissappointing performances from kids added at the deadline unfortunately. most of the onest that looked the most promising tbh - Clase, McAdoo, Coffey, etc.

though some overage maybe-prospects like Wagner and Schreck have surprised.

* Wagner HOU A (22-22): 128wrc+
* Wagner HOU A+ (23-23): 123wrc+
* Wagner HOU AA (23-24): 114wrc+
* Wagner HOU AAA (24-25): 132wrc+
* Wagner TOR AAA (25-25): 197wrc+ --- nice
* Wagner TOR MLB (25-25): 125wrc+ --- nice

* Loperfido HOU A (23-23): 142wrc+
* Loperfido HOU A+ (23-24): 153wrc+
* Loperfido HOU AA (24-24): 143wrc+
* Loperfido HOU AAA (24-25): 104wrc+
* Loperfido HOU MLB (25-25): 89wrc+
* Loperfido TOR MLB (25-25): 81wrc+ --- as expected really

* Clase SEA A (20-20): 117wrc+
* Clase SEA A+ (21-21): 203wrc+
* Clase SEA AA (21-21): 94wrc+
* Clase SEA AAA (22-22): 112wrc+
* Clase TOR AAA (22-22): 59wrc+ --- yikes

* McAdoo PIT A (21-21): 151wrc+
* McAdoo PIT A+ (22-22): 172wrc+
* McAdoo PIT AA (22-22): 135wrc+
* McAdoo TOR AA (22-22): 79wrc+ --- yikes

* Coffey BOS A (19-19): 102wrc+
* Coffey BOS A+ (19-20): 101wrc+
* Coffey TOR A+ (20-20): 73wrc+ --- yikes

* Schreck SEA A (22-22): 99wrc+
* Schreck SEA A+ (23-23): 146wrc+
* Schreck SEA AA (23-23): 66wrc+
* Schreck TOR AA (23-23): 153wrc+ --- nice

* Paulino BOS A (19-19): 127wrc+
* Paulino BOS A+ (20-20): 108wrc+
* Paulino BOS AA (21-21): 114wrc+
* Paulino TOR AA (21-21): 84wrc+ --- yikes, but only 17pa though so not meaningful yet

* Pinango CHC A (19-19): 90wrc+
* Pinango CHC A+ (19-21): 102wrc+
* Pinango CHC AA (22-22): 99wrc+
* Pinango TOR AA (22-22): 51wrc+ --- wasn't expecting much from him but still....yikes.

* Harry MIN A (20-20): 144wrc+
* Harry MIN A+ (21-21): 92wrc+
* Harry TOR A+ (21-21): 85wrc+ --- as expected
Nigel - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 11:56 AM EDT (#452633) #
Firstly, thanks to the folks who do the posts for this. I'll echo others which is that I know the box scores before I open the tab but I like to read the posters' discussion. I don't follow the promotions and injuries that carefully so a suggestion might be to just have a post to start discussion and that the post highlight any promotions/injuries/news. Just a thought.
GabrielSyme - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 12:16 PM EDT (#452638) #
My two cents - I have usually skimmed the boxscores, but not always. Sometimes I'll read the whole MLU, other times I'll look to the three stars and skip to the comments.

As far as I'm concerned, the MLU would work just as well leaving Vancouver night games to the next day.

I too find the comments one of the best things about the MLU, and I think the daily updates helps keeps the conversation going.

If the MLU gang wants to reduce the writing burden, I think you could take out the narrative summaries, and boil it down to the scores, 3 Stars, and maybe notable performances (good/bad/interesting) and things noticed (walk-offs, roster changes/injuries/hot streaks/transactions).
Doom Service - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 01:30 PM EDT (#452651) #
I read the MLU almost every day. Rarely check the box scores. Appreciate most of the comments. It has been less exciting to follow prospects the past couple of years.
uglyone - Monday, September 16 2024 @ 01:57 PM EDT (#452655) #

missed a couple here, especially Bloss...who's also been yikes since the trade.

* Bloss HOU A (22-22): 2.76era, 3.46fip, 3.71xfip
* Bloss HOU A+ (23-23): 2.08era, 2.81fip, 3.16xfip
* Bloss HOU AA (23-23): 1.61era, 3.30fip, 3.95xfip
* Bloss HOU AAA (23-23): 0.00era, 2.33fip, 3.70xfip
* Bloss TOR AAA (23-23): 7.04era, 6.05fip, 6.53xfip ---- YIKES

* Rivera CHC A+ (22-22): 103wrc+
* Rivera CHC AA (23-23): 67wrc+
* Rivera TOR AA (23-23): 26wrc+ --- YIKES

* Sharp SEA A (22-22): 104wrc+
* Sharp TOR A+ (22-22): 99wrc+ --- as expected

Overall I was really excited by the deadline performance largely because I thought we managed to get 4 legit prospects back - Bloss, Clase, Coffey, McAdoo, and then some interesting enough fringey types on top of that (Wagner and Paulino in particular).

So it's extra dissappointing to me that all four of Bloss Clase Coffey McAdoo have basically imploded as Jays so far. Not putting up performances anywhere near good enough for good prospects. And not even because they were promoted to any new levels or anything - just falling apart at a level they had been playing very well at for most of the year.

Hopefully the ones still playing can finish off strong these last bunch of games.

Of the guys i thought were fringier when we got them (i.e. everyone other than that top 4), there seems to be a fairly even distribution of guys who have exceeded, maintained, or fallen off their previous performances, so that's fine.

ayjackson - Tuesday, September 17 2024 @ 06:55 AM EDT (#452674) #
I appreciate the effort behind the MLU. I agree with those who enjoy the comments and discussion more than the daily boxscore.

One option would be to follow the series format of baseball and post them on Sunday nights and Friday mornings to roundup the series that each team concluded. More to chew on in the comments that way.
Gerry - Tuesday, September 17 2024 @ 03:44 PM EDT (#452682) #
Adam Macko gets to start for Buffalo tonight.
bpoz - Wednesday, September 18 2024 @ 08:57 AM EDT (#452709) #
Orelvis with a HR 105.6 mph EV. So his power is still intact after the suspension.

With so many candidates for ML roster spots it will be hard keeping track of all of them. I don't have favorites but power is Barger and Orelvis. Lukes and Berroa can cover for Varsho's absence and days off next year. I had doubts that either would be retained for 2025.
uglyone - Wednesday, September 18 2024 @ 11:44 AM EDT (#452716) #
Orelvis might end up with the best hitting line in our system this year, factoring in age and level.

A tick better than Leo given he's a year younger, and now I'm trying to figure out which line is more impressive between Orelvis and Nimmala.
bpoz - Wednesday, September 18 2024 @ 12:49 PM EDT (#452717) #
Nimmala's 17 HR in 340 ABs is very impressive. The 10 SB and 1 CS is also impressive. A possible star player if you squint.

Can't deny Orelvis either. That looks like legit power.
GabrielSyme - Wednesday, September 18 2024 @ 12:50 PM EDT (#452718) #
I remain very concerned about the amount of swing-and-miss in Orelvis' game. Obviously it is working for him at the AAA level, but he has one of the higher swinging strike rates in the league - 16.5%, and I expect he will be exposed in MLB. Of course he has time to improve, but it's not going to be a smooth course for him. Nimmala also has contact issues, but to a lesser extend - 13.8%; and Nimmala was also significantly younger relative to his league than Orelvis.
Ryan Day - Wednesday, September 18 2024 @ 01:14 PM EDT (#452719) #
A tick better than Leo given he's a year younger

It's only about 6 months - Leo had his 23rd birthday in May, Orelvis turns 23 in November. And Orelvis seems destined to spend more time in the minors learning how to play some kind of defensive position.
Nigel - Wednesday, September 18 2024 @ 01:40 PM EDT (#452721) #
That's the thing that I keep coming back to with Martinez. Because of the strike zone control and ability to actually play a middle INF position (at something like league average (ish) ability), Jimenez has a pathway to being a league average (or maybe even a bit better) player. Unless Martinez is a significantly better offensive player than Jimenez, I just don't see his pathway to being a league average player.
Ryan Day - Wednesday, September 18 2024 @ 04:25 PM EDT (#452724) #
I'm actually more optimistic about Orelvis than I used to be, because recovering from his awful 2022 clearly took some hard work, and handling adversity is a valuable skill for a prospect.

So he can go back to AAA in 2025 as a 23-year-old, continue to refine his offence, learn to play one defensive position competently, and try not to get suspended again. Nothing wrong with that.
uglyone - Wednesday, September 18 2024 @ 04:39 PM EDT (#452725) #
ryan yeah you're right that they're not that far apart in age so maybe leo still gets the edge this year. but it's close.

as for the swing and miss.....his 24% K-rate is actually not bad at all for his excellent power. Of course if you think his swing and miss rate is a worry beyond his actual strikeouts, that it indicates a flaw that the K% misses....then that could be right too. I don't follow swing% rates closely enough to have a good read on that right now.
John Northey - Wednesday, September 18 2024 @ 06:03 PM EDT (#452728) #
No question if the Jays don't go out and go nuts in trades/free agency we'll see some really good battles in spring.
  • LF: (7) Loperfido/Roden/Schneider/Barger/Lukes/Berroa with Schreck a dark horse.
  • 3B: (3) Clement/Barger/Orelvis Martinez
  • 2B: (5) Wagner/Schneider/Orelvis Marintez/Horwitz/Jimenez
  • UT: (13) All of the above, plus Luis De Los Santos
Staying within the system for those 3 positions and ML backups (3 needed) could work out OK and be very cheap for the Jays. Backup catcher will probably come from outside or they'll hold onto Tyler Heineman this time (who has played well for the Jays, 0.3 bWAR over 29 games).

Saving money there would help a LOT as it'd save tons for the pen (desperately needed) or rotation (to shift someone to the pen) as there aren't a lot of guys in AAA who look ready to be in the pen (otherwise they'd be here right now).
GabrielSyme - Wednesday, September 18 2024 @ 06:35 PM EDT (#452729) #
with respect to Orelvis' swing-and-miss, yes, I'd say the swing and miss makes me significantly less optimistic he can keep the strikeouts under control at the major league level. There are guys with 24% strikeout rates in AAA and much lower swing-and-miss; they might have other problems with their game, but I'd be more confident such players would be able to keep their strikeout rate under control in the majors.
New Hampshire End With a Whimper | 30 comments | Create New Account
The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.