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The new season is finally here. Several of the roster have registered their opinions on the 2017 season.

Who will surprise us positively this year? Who will exceed expectations?

Gerry - Can I say Justin Smoak? I know everyone is down on him but the bar is so low that I think he can do OK. I think he can hold down a decent first base for around 100 games played and produce numbers a little bit better than the first half of last season. I also like JA Happ to pitch at least as well as last season.

#2JBrumfield - I think Steve Pearce will stay healthy in 2017 and will blow past his career-high of 102 games and post an OPS near .800. Devon Travis is also due for a healthy season so those are my clicks to pick.

Eephus - Lets get Rowdy! Trur, it would probably take an extreme duo of circumstances (Smoak striking out half the time and Tellez destroying the International League, PCL style) for Rowdy to get enough of a chance to make an impact on the 2017 Jays. But I've loved what I've seen, heard and read so far: he strikes me as a player confident of his tremendous ability, yet with simultaneous strong lucidity to recognize the wealth of baseball knowledge around him this spring, thus the story we heard recently of him and Tulowitzki going out to dinner (with Tellez frantically scribbling down notes immediately afterward).

It's possible Rowdy winds up in the mix for ABs this year but even the realist in me wins that debate over the optimist. Other players exceeding expectations? Surprises? I think Liriano is likely to have a nice year, Pearce (if healthy) should be a nice piece, and Kendrys Morales is fun to watch at the plate. Just the way he waggles his bat, at least from the left side it's almost Julio Franco like. Picking a surprise is hard. How about Mike Ohlman gets 100 plate appearances and rakes? Not unthinkable, if you don't think about it very much...

Thomas - Justin Smoak......Okay, seriously, I think JA Happ surprises this year. He won't win 20 games against and he won't post an ERA under 3.25, but I think the regression will be smaller than a lot of people expect. Maybe I've fallen under the influence of the Cult of Ray Searage, but last year he looked so different to the pitcher he was his first time here. I'm a believer.

Magpie - I think we all kind of expect Kendrys Morales to be pretty decent, but not Edwin. Probably true, but Edwin wasn't Edwin until he moved to the Rogers Centre either. Morales has spent his entire career in absolutely terrible parks for a power hitter. Only four Angels have cleared 40 HRs in franchise history, and only one Royal. The Blue Jays have had that many 40 HR seasons since 2010. He's going to like it here. I'd also like to hope that Kevin Pillar can surprise us as well. We know what he's trying to do, and I'm generally skeptical that players can remake themselves at this stage of their careers. Still, I missed most of the season opener but I still saw Pillar take at least three pitches he would have been hacking at last season. It probably won't outlast his first slump, but youneverknow...

Who will fall short of expectations this year? Remember the expectations for Cabrera/Upton and Smoak are low so it could be hard to fall short of a low number for them.

#2JB - I think Aaron Sanchez will not duplicate his 2016 season as he had a pretty heavy workload last year and I think he'll still be knocking off some rust in the first part of the season. I'm also wondering if Joe Biagini will not fall victim to the sophomore jinx.

Eephus - J.A Happ is the guy to me that maybe isn't as good as he looked last year. Expecting him to win 20 games again is totally absurd, but what he did in 2016 was such an obvious career year and once you consider his age (34) it's hard to imagine a repeat. I expect he'll give the Jays buckets of good innings and be solid, just not a "top left-handed starter in all of baseball" solid.

Thomas - Devon Travis. Not in terms of his on-field performance, but I do think he'll have another injury-plagued season and will have difficulty staying on the field consistently. In terms of on field performance, I worry about Grilli and Biagini being as reliable as they were last season and I think Martin's bat will continue to decline.

Gerry - I too think Sanchez could fall short. He did pitch a lot last year and he can fight his delivery from time to time. I do think that Devon Travis will get injured again and miss time. Why? Because the best predictor of getting injured is a prior history of getting hurt. Finally I think Kevin Pillar's new "walk more" approach won't last past May 15th.

Magpie - It seems unlikely that Happ and Sanchez will go 35-6 again. I don't know that anyone actually expects that. It also seems unlikely that all five starters will remain perfectly healthy.

Who will lead the team in innings pitched and wins?

#2JB - I like Stroman for another 200 inning season and will get the W 18 times this year.

Eephus - Stroman for innings definitely, for wins I predict a three way tie between young Marcus, Sanchez and Liriano, all with 16.

Thomas - Stroman for innings and Sanchez and Happ for wins (doubling my odds of being successful).

Gerry - I said above I liked Happ so I will say Happ will pitch 194 innings to lead the team. Wins are more of a crapshoot so I will say Marcus Stroman with 19.

Magpie - I'll go with Happ for IP - his consistency last season was remarkable - and Liriano for Ws.

Who will make the sixth most starts this year?

#2JB - I should say Casey Lawrence but instead, I will bet on the house - T.J. House! The poor guy gets beaned in the head but lives to tell about it so I'm rooting for him to be a contributor.

Eephus - Imagine... if you will.. an alternate universe... filled with chills, spills (!), and anything but thrills... step right up for... Mat Latos! Mike Bolsinger! A one time ticket? Save the receipt, you might be eligible for multiple trips into the fair! Chills! Spills! Definitely kills!

(My money is on Lucas Harrell being the #6 guy. Save us all please...)

Thomas - If TJ House is anything like the pitcher he was before his arm trouble, he's a good choice. However, I think it will be someone not currently in the organization. If there's a significant injury to a member of the staff, I have a hard time thinking the Jays won't look outside the organization for help, rather than mixing and matching with Lawrence, Bolsinger, Latos and Oberholtzer. As an aside, one of the most surprising things I read this season is that Mat Latos is only 29. Really?

Gerry - I too will go with TJ House. If there is an injury in the first four months the starts will go to whoever is hot in AAA. After that some of the prospects in AA could get the call.

Magpie - Well, I figure Latos can probably dominate in AAA, so he's the guy who'll get the best shot.

Assume Josh Donaldson leads the team in OPS this year. Who comes second?

#2JB - I have to go with Joey Bats. He looks like a man on a mission.

Eephus - Gotta be Joey. Give him a couple days off from right field every ten (first base? first base?) and he might be top ten in the AL. Bats don't mess around.

Thomas - It maybe boringly similar, but sign me up to the Bautista on a Mission prediction. It'd be poetic, perfectly in character and a great (potential) last chapter to his tenure in Toronto. Implicit in his comeback season is a homer off Darren O'Day at Camden Yards at some point during the season. Followed by a glare into the Orioles front office that bores into the soul of Dan Duquette.

Gerry - I will say the DH, Kendrys Morales. The Rogers Centre should suit him as will the lineup.

Magpie - I'm down with the Jose Bautista Vengeance Tour.

How many wins for the Jays this season?

Gerry - 83, slightly disappointing but in it until September when some of the old players get hurt.

#2JB - I will say 82. Hitting will be the downfall.

Thomas - 87 and the first Wild Card.

Magpie - Anywhere from 80 to 96. Split the difference, make it 88.

Who makes it to the playoffs and the World Series?

#2JB - Boston, Cleveland, Houston, Seattle, Texas in the AL. Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, St. Louis, New York Mets in the NL. Seattle-Los Angeles World Series with Dodgers winning in 6.

Thomas - Boston, Cleveland, Houston, Toronto and Texas in the AL. Washington, Cubs, Los Angeles, the Mets and the Giants in the NL. Cleveland over the Cubs in a World Series rematch and the breaking of another pennant drought.

Gerry - Boston, Cleveland, Houston, Seattle and Baltimore in the AL. Washington, Cubs, Los Angeles, St Louis and the Giants in the NL. Cleveland over the Giants in the World Series.

Magpie - Boston, Cleveland, Seattle, Toronto, Houston in the AL. Washington, Cubs, Dodgers, Mets, Cardinals in the NL.

Any other hot takes/predictions that will melt steel beams before the season?

#2JB - R.A. Dickey will beat the Jays when the Braves play them in May and it will piss me off just like his 2015 ALCS Game 4 debacle. The Rays are moving to Montreal in five years. People who sit behind home plate with cell phones waving that they're on TV should be tasered.

Eephus - The new stupid intentional walk rule will be scrapped by May 30th because it's silly, undermines what is great about baseball, and really doesn't serve the purpose it was created for. Make the game faster? Here's an idea: the catcher can only run to the mound once an inning, so use it wisely. At the very least it'll save more time than this dumb IBB rule will.

Gerry - Edwin Encarnacion will struggle to live up to his big contract in Cleveland. A slow start will be followed by a normal second half. 28 home runs.

Blue Jays 2017 Roundtable | 22 comments | Create New Account
The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.
Magpie - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 07:47 AM EDT (#340256) #
The hell was I thinking. No Kansas City Royal, ever, has hit 40 homers in a season.
scottt - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 08:26 AM EDT (#340257) #
I'm going with Pearce for the surprise of the year. All he needs to do is stay healthy.

Sanchez to disappoint because the bar is set so high for him.

I do like Stroman for innings but I'm going with Liriano for wins.

I'll go with Casey Lawrence for 6th starter.

For second OPS I say Pearce unless we trade for Baumgarner who has an OPS of 5.000 after one game.

I say we're good for 88 wins.

I also think that Encarnacion will slowly fade away to the annoying sound of a drum echoing down from the bleachers.

And there won't be any Rangers in the play offs. Not for many years anyway.

AWeb - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 08:32 AM EDT (#340258) #
Surprise? Haven't seen much talk about him, but maybe Russell Martin has a last great year.

Fall Short? The entire starting rotation.

Innings and Wins, Stroman

Sixth most starts? Starting pitcher - Latos I guess? I think this is an important question for the lineup too.

Bautista comes second.

How many wins for the Jays this season? 79

Who makes it to the playoffs and the World Series?

Boston, New York, Cleveland, Houston, Angels
New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Los Angeles
Washington beats Houston, because why not?

Any other hot takes/predictions that will melt steel beams before the season?

Pace of play will slow further as everyone takes even more time to get ready and a pitch clock will be implemented within two years. Everyone freaks out for a month and then realizes it actually makes things much better - a huge side benefit being pitchers and hitters feeling slight fatigue during a plate appearance brings pitch and bat speeds down, slightly increasing balls in play for the first time in...ever.
Mike Green - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 09:51 AM EDT (#340261) #
Pure hunches.  Marcus Stroman breaks out, throws 225 innings, and wins a Cy Young award, but the rest of the starters are not as healthy as last year.  It ends up as almost a wash.  Devon Travis has a healthy year and finishes second in the club in OPS behind Donaldson (who shockingly is slightly better than the last two years.  The march of time does afflict the other position players (save for Tulowitzki) and the offence ends up at about the same place as 2016. 
uglyone - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 10:11 AM EDT (#340265) #
I'm surprised everyone's projecting the team for fewer wins than last year, when they look solidly better on paper to me.

Prediction: 91 wins, with the offense being a greater strength than the pitching.

I don't know how to quantify "expectations" but I'm trying to go with "average fan expectations" as my definition even though I don't think I have a good handle on what those are:

Beats Expections: Stroman, Pearce
Misses Expectations: Sanchez, Morales

Top Pitchers: 1.Stroman, 2.Sanchez
Top Hitters: 1.Donaldson, 2.Pearce
Nigel - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 10:32 AM EDT (#340266) #
I think this year is a bit of a rinse repeat from last year with everything being slightly worse. This year they just miss rather than just make the playoffs. Say 85 wins. Starting pitching remains good but slightly worse due to one or more of the top 5 missing some extended time. The bullpen being "meh" again but it looks more like the 1st half version of last year rather than 2nd half to me. The offence being averagish again (context adjusted) but slightly worse due to the sands of time on most of the key bats. I like Liriano to have a big year. The wildcard for me is the front office. If they were to acquire a real LF before the end of June I think it could make quite a bit of difference- particularly if the LF brought a bit more balance to the lineup.
AWeb - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 11:17 AM EDT (#340271) #
My main reason for pessimism - the rotation was so healthy and good last year, and the injury depth for the rotation and pen this year looks pretty dismal, that I think things will go badly health-wise this year. Based on absolutely nothing other than a guess. The health of the lineup worries me too (Travis, Tulo, Bautista, Pearce, Martin simply by being an older Catcher). It's been a grey, wintery spring here so far, what can I say?

jerjapan - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 11:49 AM EDT (#340275) #
I see this team as pretty even with last year, so I'm thinking around 88 wins and the WC. 

AWeb, why the pessimism around the pen depth?  I'm not confident in our set-up guys - I love Grilli, but he's pretty much the same age as I am - but I see lots of quality guys for the 6th/7th/Buffalo shuttle roles - Tepera is deserving of a shot, and I like Leone, Barnes and Chris Smith a fair bit as depth options.  Heck, even Will Browning might be an option, if you anyone is willing to give a soft-tossing side-arming undrafted ROOGY a shot.  He's turning 29 in Sept but has a career minor league ERA under 2.

There are a bunch of guys coming from the left as well, although I'd like to see Mayza and Borucki getting more time in the minors (loads more time if the org still sees Borucki as a starter).  Beliveau, Girodo and Dermody could all factor into the 2nd lefty conversation.

I just wish we ourselves a legit 'relief ace' - or a reliable closer who could allow Osuna to handle the role. 

uglyone - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 12:41 PM EDT (#340277) #
So here's how the opening day roster looks based on last 2yrs stats.

Note 1: WAR is PACE - per 650pa for hitters (1/4 that for bench guys), pre 32gs for SP, and per 65ip for RP.
Note 2: WAR for hitters is the average of fwar and bwar.
Note 3: WAR for pitchers is the average of fwar (fip-based) and ra9war (total runs against per 9ip-based).

So remember these WARs only indicate what they've done while healthy - they're a rate stat, not a counting stat, in this case.

2B Travis (26): 119wrc+, 5.0war
3B Donaldson (31): 154wrc+, 7.5war
RF Bautista (36): 136wrc+, 3.3war
DH Morales (34): 120wrc+, 1.6war
LF Pearce (34): 113wrc+, 2.2war
SS Tulowitzki(32): 101wrc+, 3.4war
C Martin (34): 106wrc+, 3.2war
1B Smoak (30): 99wrc+, 0.7war
CF Pillar (28): 87wrc+, 4.3war

UT Goins (29): 70wrc+, 0.3war
OF Carrera (30): 87wrc+, 0.1war
IF Barney (31): 89wrc+, 0.9war
C Salty (32): 83wrc+, 0.3war

RH Sanchez (24): 74era-, 4.2war
LH Happ (34): 84era-, 3.8war
RH Estrada (33): 81era-, 3.6war
RH Stroman (26): 95era-, 3.6war
LH Liriano (33): 101era-, 2.0war

RH Osuna (22): 63era-, 1.7war/65ip
RH Biagini (27): 72era-, 1.0war
LH Howell (34): 73era-, 0.8war
RH Grilli (40): 89era-, 0.8war
RH Smith (33): 90era-, 0.6war
RH Tepera (29): 76era-, 0.1war
LH Loup (29): 111era-, 0.1war
(RH Leone (25): 169era-, -1.6war)
Smaj - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 12:50 PM EDT (#340279) #
Injuries concern me the most with the 2017 Jays. Tulo has a history; Martin is getting old (played with a bad knee in the second half last year); Travis is made of glass; Donaldson seems to have a calf issue (twice in 9 months); starting staff was healthy for the bulk of 2016 which defies the Baseball Gods does it not?; Pearce is no stranger to the DL and the Jays will play him more than a platoon player; Jose is at the age of decline & body breakdown. I hope none of these occur, but it seems unlikely for this team to be relatively unscathed again, so I will predict the Jays being major sellers at the trade deadline in 2017.
eudaimon - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 01:11 PM EDT (#340280) #
I currently like this team more than last years team.

Concerning hitting, I think we're a little more diverse this year. I consider losing strikeout machine Saunders a good thing (his awful second half last season is a big part of the reason our hitting was so painful to watch for a while... it doesn't help that he was legendarily unclutch, though that could be bad luck on his part). If Carrera replaces him I consider that a good thing even if he puts up the same amount of WAR - I think he is likely less prone to horrible stretches of offensive uselessness, and provides a bit more speed (I also think Carrera could be worth 2 wins / 600ab or so, but that's just me). Pompey could also potentially provide better production.

Losing Encarnacion hurts, but I do think Morales will be almost as good and his switch hitting makes our lineup slightly harder to plan against. I like Steve Pearce a fair bit, and Salty is obviously a better backup catcher (and is more likely to allow Martin more playing time, thus hopefully increasing his production). I also like Bautista's odds at improving on his numbers, and I'm pretty optimistic about Pillar as well.

My main worries about the offense are Martin, who's K rate was easily his highest last year (and hasn't looked much better in the Montreal series or the opener). I'm also not pumped whatsover by Smoak but who is? Overall, I think the offense has potential for improvement.

Pitching wise, I'm optimistic we can actually not regress too much here. I'm excited about Liriano (one can hope he'll be better than Dickey), like Happ and Estrada, and think Stroman can take a good leap forward. Sanchez I'm slightly worried about but not too much. If we can avoid injuries, we should do fine, and our rotation has the potential to be one of the better ones in the league.

The bullpen is somewhat concerning if Osuna is injured or ineffective (I worry that his sketchines towards the end of last year may continue into this year, especially with the rumors of him losing some velocity). On the other hand, I won't miss Cecil (I don't think he's clutch, and his Jeckyl / Hyde act was hard to manage), Chavez (sucked) or Storen (sucked). I like to think that Joe Smith and Howell can outperform them, with Grilli providing some value as well. Loup actually looks like he could be better this year, and maybe Tepera can be a useful back-end piece. If Osuna can stay healthy, I can see our bullpen being an asset, though certainly not elite.

So I have a relatively rosy outlook on the season. It's baseball though, so youneverknow. Injuries and all that. But if things go well, we could win a lot of games. For now, I'm going to bet on 92 wins, which in the AL East is pretty good.
uglyone - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 01:51 PM EDT (#340282) #
and based on the fangraphs combined steamer/zips Depth Chart projections, again paced out to full seasons to turn them into rate stats, not counting stats:

2B Travis (26): 104wrc+, 2.9war
3B Donaldson (31): 138wrc+, 6.2war
RF Bautista (36): 131wrc+, 3.3war
LF Pearce (34): 120wrc+, 3.0war
DH Morales (34): 112wrc+, 1.2war
SS Tulowitzki(32): 104wrc+, 3.6war
C Martin (34): 99wrc+, 3.4war
1B Smoak (30): 94wrc+, 0.3war
CF Pillar (28): 89wrc+, 3.0war

UT Goins (29): 61wrc+, -0.1war
OF Carrera (30): 80wrc+, 0.1war
IF Barney (31): 70wrc+, 0.2war
C Salty (32): 78wrc+, 0.3war

RH Sanchez (24): 3.70era, 3.7war
RH Stroman (26): 3.85era, 3.5war
LH Happ (34): 4.11era, 2.7war
LH Liriano (33): 4.11era, 2.5war
RH Estrada (33): 4.32era, 2.3war

RH Osuna (22): 3.14era, 1.6war
RH Grilli (40): 3.82era, 0.8war
RH Biagini (27): 3.90era, 0.5war
LH Loup (29): 3.76era, 0.3war
RH Smith (33): 3.77era, 0.3war
LH Howell (34): 3.90era, 0.3war
RH Tepera (29): 3.99era, 0.0war
(RH Leone (25): 4.26era, 0.0war)
SK in NJ - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 01:53 PM EDT (#340283) #
The true talent level of this team is around 85-89 wins. If they do not endure any catastrophic injuries (Donaldson, the rotation, etc), then I think they will be around there. Maybe less if some of the vets regress. I'll go with the middle ground of my range and say 87 wins.

I'll say the same thing I said last year, the direction can always change. If the team looks out of it or sub-.500 at the deadline, then selling off players for a retool should be considered. However, if they are in a good position to contend down the stretch again, then incremental improvements can change things for the better.
uglyone - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 01:58 PM EDT (#340284) #
"However, if they are in a good position to contend down the stretch again, then incremental improvements can change things for the better."

trying hard not to sigh.
AWeb - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 02:02 PM EDT (#340285) #
jerjapan, pessimistic about bullpen depth might be the wrong way for me to phrase it; there's plenty of depth, just not much top-end. I agree there are lots of fine 5th-8th BP arms, but I don't see much aside from Osuna to get excited about. Someone will hopefully emerge, but for now, meh.
CeeBee - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 02:13 PM EDT (#340286) #
replacing Smoak with a real 1st baseman looks to be the single biggest improvement we could make, or getting a real left fielder and moving Pearce to 1st :)
SK in NJ - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 02:26 PM EDT (#340289) #
The rotation depth is clearly the weak point. Obviously any injuries to the star position players will be difficult/impossible to replace (Donaldson specifically), but the Jays have a least some semblance of depth in the outfield (Coghlan, Pompey), a top prospect at 1B (Tellez), and some comparable middle infield depth to what they have on the bench currently. Injuries to the position players will hurt but there's at least some talent in AAA that could add value in their absence as long as it's not a long absence. I don't have that same confidence with 2017 Latos, Lawrence, etc.

The health of the rotation is make or break for this team, but that probably goes without saying.
Dave Till - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 02:54 PM EDT (#340293) #
The negatives:

- The Jays' starting lineup is old. And old players inevitably get worse. Or they get hurt. Or both.

- They'll miss Edwin.

- The starting pitchers aren't likely to all stay healthy, and there isn't much in the way of backup. (Most teams have this problem, though.)

- I don't know whether the new bullpen guys can survive the AL East.

- They'll miss Edwin. (I accidentally wrote that twice.)


- All of the hitters other than Edwin are back from last year.

- Morales might be able to mostly fill Edwin's shoes. Morales will likely benefit from a honeymoon period: Edwin tends to start slowly, and will likely start even more slowly if Cleveland's weather stays cool in the early going. And he'll benefit from the Alex Gonzalez Effect (the second AG, that is): his power numbers will get a boost from the friendly Rogers Centre fences.

- The team defense is good. Defense doesn't slump the way hitting and pitching can. The good starting pitching is at least partly due to the good defense. (Which is why Estrada wanted to return, and Happ was eager to sign up.)

- The team's biggest hole is one of left field or first base (whichever one Pearce isn't playing). These are positions that are relatively easy to shore up if needed.

- Joey Bats has something to prove. My guess is that he'll prove it.

- No Josh Thole! (That's a bit of a snark, but he had 136 plate appearances last year. This year, those 136 plate appearances will go to a hitter who is better than Thole.)

I'll go for 84-78, remaining in the wild card hunt until the very end of the season. Whether they will get there will depend on luck, and luck can't be predicted.
jerjapan - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 04:03 PM EDT (#340306) #
The health of the rotation is make or break for this team, but that probably goes without saying.

SK, I keep hearing this idea round here, and from Stoeten, but I honestly can't envision the depth scenario you are talking about.  Nobody seems to have examples of what this means, but it continues to be repeated.   could you provide some example teams that have the depth you think we need?  contenders from this year, Jays teams from years past ... anything.  right now, this just seems to be the latest popular meme, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong. 

Losing JD would be far and away worse than any injury to a starter. 
electric carrot - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 04:16 PM EDT (#340312) #
I think this is a top 1/3 offense and a top 1/3 starting pitching staff, top 1/3 defense and a middle of the pack bullpen. 92 pythagorean wins but 89 actual wins. 

The guy I worry about this year is Osuna. Hope he is fine and avoids injury.
Martin will have a subpar year offensively.


Pillar's walks.
Pompey plays and stays
Stroman wins 20

Everyone else:
About on target.

Alex Obal - Wednesday, April 05 2017 @ 09:15 PM EDT (#340318) #
Houston walks over the AL West, wins 106 games, overcomes a 3-1 deficit to beat Cleveland in the ALCS, and ends the third-longest active World Series drought. People start to realize that Cleveland is cursed. Cleveland fans start to warm to the obvious solution.
christaylor - Thursday, April 06 2017 @ 09:45 AM EDT (#340323) #
I know it is just two games, and yet the two games really remind me of those September games where the Jays struggled to score without the long ball. I don't think the sky is falling but I will be wholly unsurprised if by mid May we are all in agreement that this is a .500ish team.
Blue Jays 2017 Roundtable | 22 comments | Create New Account
The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.