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Subscribe here. Listen here.
What is the purpose of this? Obviously to confuse Darvish: "Look, a righthanded batter, now a left, now a right, now a left - my head is spinning."
The Rangers have only one left-handed pitcher in their bullpen, and he is basically a scrub reliever (Robert Ross).
What makes Ross a scrub? He's young and his MiLB stats look good.
I was (seriously!) just as I opened this Web on my home PC, finiahing writing and posting to Box space another full Jamey Newberg report he just e-mailed out to his massive subscriber list this morning and I read as soon as I saw the headline. You'll understand why I was so quickly drawn by our old French-Canadian Texas transplantat 4PM ET, which is the time I have set the auto-post in the CMS editor to push this bay live, so I better hurry and finish writing, editing, uploading photos, formatting and link-checking before that happen!
I've written testimonials like this before, but Jamey is probably the single-most creativelytalented and ambitiously successful American (!) baseball blogger on the interwebs! If you haven't subscribed to his unfailingly regular daily/multi-daily feed, I will hereby offer this completely empty threat: Jamey's an attorney and the very best in North Texas (wait, strike that, your honor; sorry, Jamey, but you know – let's say he's the best in Dallas or my favorite Fort Worth-based attorney might serve me personally with our divorce papers! L)
I was (seriously) just as I opened this Web on my home PC, just finishing writing and posting to Box space another full Jamey Newberg report he just -mailed out to his massive subscriber list this morning and I read as soon as I saw the headline. You'll see it at 4PM ET, which is the time I have set the auto-post in our CMS editor to push this bay live, so I better hurry and finish writing, editing, uploading photos, formatting and link-checking before that happens in 53 minutes or so. PS, I've said this before, but Jamey is probably the singlemost talented American (!) baseball blogger on the interwebs! If you haven't subscribed to his unfailingly regular daily/multi-daily feed, I will hereby offer this completely empty threat: Jamey's an attorney and the very best in North Texas (stirke that, your honor, let's say he's the best in Dallas or my favorite Fort Worth attorney might serve me personally with our divorce papers!)
Seriously, Jamey (I will send this story's URL to him, and he is a member of the Boxiverse so it is fine to address him directly in second person like that though I have had Rhetoric & Writing professors who might could see if they are allowed to revoke my degrees for that formerly-punishable-by-failing writing "crime"!) has been an a welcome contributor to Da Box, with some comments and many instances of article review, editng, and even fully writing for someone like me or the venerable (that means “legendary” and “talented” but “retired from Da Box’s Roster) Scooter Lucas to post here; or posting to his own site and allowing one of us to re-post it in full or link to it directly from a headline on our page. Today’s will be the former. Incidentally, Scooter lives in Texas (in Autin properI think?) which makes him, Jamey and me the three registered Bauxites who currently live closest to Rangers Ballpark in Arlington are the three of us; we may be the only three in Texas? If you are here with us, please do ID yourself in this thread!
So Jamey, again -- first, access the latest Boxcast here on our home page (it was posted only two hours before your story is set to auto-replace it as the top feature on the home page, so both should be pretty easy to find for a few days, anyway!); then second, locate that iPod or whatever you use to access your own various podcasts (and tell usthe URL/s where we can find them, at least those that are best or most relevant, please!); finally, skim through that short list of links I just e-mailed you and
@Jamey, please note that the following paragraph is NOT my guarantee on your behalf that you''ll reply o or answer questions that are long, would require research on your part, unclear, outside your area of expertise, etc. (That said, you have been a great sport about leaving at least one comment
After all that ... If you have questions about the Rangers, consider waiting until the next thread is up where Jamey is more like to see them, but he has this story's URL too, by now (or will soon next time he checks his own e-mail!) ... so ask your questions and the three of us will answer it or refer you to someone who can. Any questions not answered by Jamey (or on the same reasoning as given Jamey in the previous paragraph) or Scott, I will answer--or more accurately, "respond to"--tomorrow! Thank you for understanding. Now, I will never share another registered user's personal e-mail on this site where a spambot could roll in and grab it (mine--hiiiii, spambots, can't see me! nannynannybooboo, your web is full of doodoo!>--mickwrites<at>gmailDOTcom--I hope that it is obvious to all of you what that really means. If it doesn't work, try again with the same at,in order of reliability I will see it within a 24-48 hour window, that usomg that same username at the current, and some others I won't bother confusing you with because they just redirect the sent messges they getto the original gmail account noted. And yes, I have one here I am happy to check several times a week. mediaDOTrelationsATbatterssboxDOTca. Got it?
There's no quiz, but if I have breezed past your "what in hell took him this long?" personal limit threshold ... just remember, you will never see any other registeered user's actual e-mail address on this site nor will I (or I hope would any roster member) give you another user's address via e-mail even if they are writing to that address themselves regularly, without the express written consent (you're thinking it right now, right? the voice intoring, " ... of Major Leage Baseball .." of that person. But you can contact them directly at the address they have given us for our site's use only, that is "behind" the e-mail form box on their own Box profile page.
Now let's go get that other thread up, hey???
Robbie Ross a scrub? Maybe you haven't heard of him, but he's a rookie on the best team (record-wise) in MLB; "on pace"-- yes, i hate that bogus projection stat, too -- to finish 30-0. for a third-year-running best-inthe-league team that wins more than 110 games.
He won't of course, and they won't either, and small sample sizes, yaddyadda--the 4-0 start in April is best in baseball, best in Ranger rookie history; he current real unprojected stats are great and I will be enraged if he is not at the top of EVERY Rookie of the Year watch list that always comes out in early May each season... not saying he will win or even should by October, but "scrub"??? Apologize, sir!
Note to Dave -- this thread's lede story is outstanding writing (as is your stuff on the unfotunately not-recently-updated Bottom of the Fourth baseball blog which is clever and brilliant wrting, and all of this hints you have have the right brain of a LaRussa and the left brain of a Rizzuto. Keep 'em coming!
"tongity," of course, is the western pronunciation of the Kanji word for "tonight" ...
For those who don't know what "Kanji," is, it appears that there is at least one Bauxite who does ...