Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine
The P-Jays rebound from an ugly 14-1 loss to put it in the win column with a standout performance from their top player, as the Toronto farm records 3 wins against 1 loss.

Ty Taubenheim was knocked around for 5 runs over 2 2/3, raising his AAA ERA to a lofty 2.01. Chad Mottola tripled and singled, while Rob Cosby delivered all 3 Syracuse runs on the only other hit for the team – a 3-run homer in the 2nd. The team did collect 6 walks, including 2 for second baseman Russ Adams.
New Hampshire: Scheduled off day.
St. Lucie @ Dunedin: Postponed, power outage.
Chi Cheng struck out 7 over 5 innings, allowing just an unearned run on 2 hits and 3 walks. Josh Sowers followed with 2 shutout innings, and after Sean Stidfole allowed a run in the 8th, Eddy Rodriguez slammed the door for his 4th save. Brian Pettway was the only hitter of note, with a solo homer, a walk, and a single.
2006 16th-rounder Chase Lirette cruised through 5 innings, allowing a run on 4 hits while striking out 3 and not walking anyone. Matt Liuzza’s 3-for-4 was topped by Jonathan Baksh’s perfect 3-for-3 with a walk.
Travis Snider pushed his season line to a stellar .322 / .388 / .592 with a 4 extra-base hit performance – 2 doubles and 2 home runs. DH Baron Frost and SS Raul “Frost” Barron each went single-double-walk, while 2B Jonathan Del Campo had 2 singles and a free pass. Michael Barbara got the start and went a very strong 4 innings, allowing just an unearned run on 2 hits and 2 walks whilst punching out 5.
Three Star Selection!
Honourable Mention: Jonathan Baksh, Auburn. 3 hits and a walk.
The Third Star: Brian Pettway, Lansing. On base 3 times, including a homer.
The Second Star: Chi Cheng, Lansing. 5 dominant innings.
The First Star: Travis Snider, Pulaski. 4 extra-base hits.
Pulaski Off The Snide | 13 comments | Create New Account
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Pistol - Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 11:56 AM EDT (#152608) #

I have no idea what the standings are, but I'd guess that Snider is making a run for the top spot in the 3 Stars race.

Mike Green - Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 12:32 PM EDT (#152610) #
Here's a profile of Matt Liuzza from today's Auburn Citizen.
gutowskij - Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 01:10 PM EDT (#152616) #
What's the deal with John Zinnicker of the P-Jays? He's got the lowest ERA on the team but they're not letting him pitch very long.  Last night he shut down the Danville comeback for over two innings and Danville started to score again after he was yanked.
#2JBrumfield - Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 02:23 PM EDT (#152620) #

Off topic here but there is still one Ontario pro ball club with a fighting chance of post-season play and that's the Ottawa Lynx, who are 4.5 games back of Scranton and Rochester for the wild card and lead in the IL North.  The missus and I were in the nation's capital over the week-end to see the Lynx complete the back end of a 4 game sweep against Scranton.  A couple of former Jays played a role in the two victories with Howie Clark scoring a run and laying down a key bunt to help the Lynx beat the Red Barons in the bottom of the 9th Saturday.  Brian Bowles pitched into the 7th to help Ottawa complete the sweep Sunday, in a game which featured a potentially dangerous incident. 

For those of you who have not seen a game at Lynx Stadium in Ottawa, Coventry Road runs just behind the park.   It's basically the Lynx's version of  Waveland/Sheffield Avenue behind Wrigley Field and if a hitter gets a hold of one, the ball can go out into the street.  Unlike Wrigley Field, Coventry Road is still open to traffic while the game is still on.  The City of Ottawa should rethink this policy after what happened on Sunday. 

Napoleon Calzado of the Lynx hit a ball that bounced off the top of the wall in left field, cleared the chain-link fence behind it, and it went out into the street.  Fortunately, the ball didn't hit a sport utility vehicle passing by but it almost ran over the ball.  One fan went out onto the street chasing after the ball and was lucky he didn't get hit by a vehicle passing by.  He chased the ball down in a left turning lane before he got to it.   I wonder how many times a ball has been hit out of that park and into the street or if any cars have been struck.  That's a potential lawsuit waiting to happen.

Anyways, it'll be interesting if the Lynx can keep things going tonight in Buffalo and in Syracuse over the week-end.  Obviously, I'd prefer Syracuse to be in the race instead but seeing that's not going to happen, hopefully they'll lay down for the Lynx and beat Scranton tonight and tomorrow. 

Mike Green - Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 02:23 PM EDT (#152621) #
The lefty Zinnicker is being used out of the pen, and went 2.1 innings yesterday.  That's pretty typical usage.  His splits so far are quite nice, almost 75% of balls in play are ground balls and he's struck out 15 and walked 5 in 16.7 innings.  If he continues to pitch this well at higher levels, he probably will get a chance to start at least in the swingman role at some point.  One step at a time.
Smaj - Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 02:39 PM EDT (#152622) #

How impressive has young Mr. Snider been as a Pro!  It appears that JP's first toe dipping in the High School talent pool has been a great one.  Let us please see more of this in the future especially if the Jays are drafting mid to late first round as expected.

How long/soon until the Jays promote Snider?  Personally, I see both sides of the proverbial coin in promoting him or letting him stay in Pulaski.  However, I am a firm beleiver in challnging dominant talent thus my vote is for a promotion asap.

Pistol - Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 03:01 PM EDT (#152623) #

There's a bit on Snider in BA's Daily Dish today.

Snider is less than 2 months out of HS and has played just 40 pro games and is striking out 26% of the time.  Yes, he looks really promising, but patience is still needed.   There's no need to go promotion crazy with him now.

AWeb - Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 03:25 PM EDT (#152625) #
This late in the year, I wouldn't start Snider on a whole new level of competition, although I don't have any idea what is typically done in cases like this. Letting the guy dominate a lower level for half a year doesn't seem like it would set back development. He has shown some patience, with 17 walks, and it might be hard to work on that more if he's too good for the league (why work a walk if you can just get a hit on the first decent pitch you see), but I don't think it's been that extreme. He's been great, but not clearly too good for the competition great (which I would say shows when a player puts up numbers that would be tops in the majors). Projecting for a 162 games, he would have 41 hr, 105 runs, 134 RBI, 45 doubles, 16 steals (4 CS), 69 walks, 162 Ks. The Ks have been especially bad against lefties apparently, but that's a pretty good line for now. I'm intrigued by the steals, not many on Pulaski are stealing.

And for those here that might know, would Snider usually be asked/sent to play winter ball of some kind?
Mike Forbes - Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 03:40 PM EDT (#152626) #
The likely scenerio for Snider is that he will finish out the season in Pulaski.. If the P-Jays don't make the playoffs, Snider will probably be promoted to Lansing for the Midwast League's playoffs and then start at Lansing in '07.
MatO - Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 04:23 PM EDT (#152627) #
I would say that top prospects rarely play winter ball unless they're Latino.  Snider will likely spend some time in the fall instructional league.
MatO - Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 04:29 PM EDT (#152628) #

While Snider's K/W against lefties is pretty bad his OPS against lefties is actually higher than against righties.  Small sample size warning!

rtcaino - Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 09:36 PM EDT (#152637) #
Purcey had a nice game today: 7ip 6h 1er 9k and most importantly only 2 walks.

Lucky - Tuesday, August 08 2006 @ 09:47 PM EDT (#152638) #

David Smith, Travis Snider, and Aaron Tressler were all players of the week in their respective leagues.  I knew Snider had done well on the week because of all that was reported here, but I don't think Smith had even one star (just an honorable mention when he went 3-4 with a grand slam at Akron).  Apparently he batted .450 and had 4 homeruns and 10 rbi in 5 games last week. 

I'm surprised no one commented on the fact that the Blue Jays had 3 players of the week.

Pulaski Off The Snide | 13 comments | Create New Account
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