Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine Batter's Box Interactive Magazine
And found nothing there
To ease the pressure off
My ever worried mind


  1. Jays lose 8-5 to the Giants. Here are the game reports: Spencer Fordin's "Bullpen falters as Jays get swept", Rich Draper's "Mohr helps Giants seal sweep", Jeff Blair's "Cashing in Bonds provides results", Geoff Baker's "Jays in the dumps", and Mike Rutsey's "A clean sweep".

  2. Fordin Notes on Halladay's return from injuries and Hinske's strong play of late. Call me an optimist, but I think Hinske is going to have a great second-half after reading this:

      "I evened my stance a little bit more, put my weight 50-50," he said. "I think with my hand last year, I got bunched up and had to use my body to get to the ball. Now, my hand is fine so I can stay through the ball. It took me a while to figure it out, but I feel great right now."

    Will a power surge be in the works?

  3. Tonight's 10:05PM EST start features the 5-3 Ted Lilly for the 28-38 Blue Jays against the 2-4 David Wells for the 33-31 Padres. The always reliable Spencer Fordin has a game preview.

  4. Chris Zelkovich has an update on Tom Cheek's situation. We're all pulling for ya, Tom!

  5. This ought to be fun. The Star wants to hear what you think. Or as their instructions say:

      "The Toronto Blue Jays are stuck in last place in the American League East, 15 games behind the division-leading New York Yankees. What must the Blue Jays do to improve?

      NOTE: A selection of comments may be published on this Web site or in the Toronto Star. All fields are required to submit your response. Comments should be concise (4 or 5 sentences at most) and express an original point of view. Longer comments may be edited for length."

    What's the over/under on how many comments they print that suggest either (a) J.P. sign a bunch of guys and unilaterally raise the budget OR (b)Trade for good players on other teams and give those teams nothing in return (I call this the Jarome Iginla for Wade Belak scenario).

  6. Once again, there's all kinds of great stuff at The Hardball Times, such as Craig Burley and Aaron Gleeman's "The Magic Twenty (Left Field)" and Aaron Gleeman's "Enough Already!".

Daily Diversion: It came from the 1971 Sears Catalog!
Jays Roundup - I Reached Inside Myself | 62 comments | Create New Account
The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.
_Mike Wilner - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 09:22 AM EDT (#56986) #
Finally! I'm awake early enough. Now, if I could only be clever.

Hmm.....well, while the sun always shines in San Diego, I'll be hoping that you all will be taking in tonight's game on the radio as opposed to on TV. And maybe tonight, the manager might think to himself: A-Ha! I have to get Josh Phelps into the line-up.
Thomas - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 09:27 AM EDT (#56987) #
With the A's bullpen going through a slump of something fierce, what about flipping Speier to Oakland for prospects? Speier hasn't pitched outstandingly well this year, but his track record is pretty good and he has been injured. He looks to have good stuff, and his dad is Oakland's bench coach. I'm sure JP and Billy could agree upon a couple of prospects who are fair return. Billy might be getting a little desperate now, and it seems like a good time to strike with a proposal. If the Jays envision Speier in any sort of long-term plans, I wouldn't do this, but if they think they'll lose him at the end of the year, it seems like a perfect time to deal him.

Also, Koch got dealt to Florida for a minor leaguer. COMN for a brief story.
_Moffatt - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 09:28 AM EDT (#56988) #
Thanks for playing! You were plenty clever enough, and you got the song... A-Ha's "The Sun Always Shines on TV". Today the prize was 100 million points and a picture of Bip Roberts:

_Brent - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 09:44 AM EDT (#56989) #
Look at the size of that guy's forehead in the background! This is the only insightful comment I can make on this dreary, sleep-deprived Friday morning.
Coach - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 09:57 AM EDT (#56990) #
The Star wants to hear what you think.

"Raise the budget" is a very good plan for improving the Jays, as is trading Dave Berg for Carlos Beltran. I'm sure that the paper's poll will inspire many other completely implausible suggestions; expect demands for Proven Closers and plenty of firings. You can almost guarantee that paper will publish the comments that portray the team in the worst possible light. "Series swoon dooms club to life in cellar," warns the headline writer today. Oh my God, we're doomed!

"The layoff, and then having to pitch and come back, he's probably in a bit of a dead-arm period," said Toronto manager Carlos Tosca. "I'm anticipating his next start to be more like Doc."

At the track, a horse who runs a great race in his first start off a layoff is often overbet by the public the next time out. Astute, experienced handicappers anticipate a "bounce" -- the horse is likely to regress considerably from even his normal form, because of the effort expended in his comeback outing. Look at Mark Prior's lines this year: brilliant in his first start, a huge bounce, then a significant improvement. He's about ready for a dominant outing.

Tosca explained it perfectly, in baseball terms. Horseplayers will understand that Doc bounced yesterday, and should be much better on Tuesday.
_Mosely - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 10:06 AM EDT (#56991) #
Today the prize was 100 million points and a picture of Bip Roberts:

When the local celebrity guesses correct he gets a picture of Bip Roberts, but when a regular Joe Schmo answers correctly, he gets a picture of an uglyass cuttlefish?

If there was ever a time to call shenanigans, it would be now.
_Mosely - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 10:07 AM EDT (#56992) #
Speaking of Joe Schmo - did anybody notice Jonathon Torrens on last night?
_Moffatt - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 10:13 AM EDT (#56993) #
When the local celebrity guesses correct he gets a picture of Bip Roberts, but when a regular Joe Schmo answers correctly, he gets a picture of an uglyass cuttlefish?

Yeah, pretty much. You don't wanna know what Jody Vance gets if she answers correctly. :)
_dp - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 10:15 AM EDT (#56994) #
anyone else see this?

Carlos Delgado (1B) Tor hopes to return to action for the Blue Jays on Tuesday. He's been out for nearly three weeks with a strained rib cage muscle.
Named For Hank - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 10:21 AM EDT (#56995) #
Moffatt, earlier this year Mike Toth was on the JumboTron to do the between-innings sports update from the Sportsnet studio, and he introduced himself with "Hello everybody, I'm Hazel Mae."
_Moffatt - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 10:25 AM EDT (#56996) #
LOL.. That's awesome! Wish I could have seen that.
_Jordan - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 10:27 AM EDT (#56997) #
"The Toronto Blue Jays are stuck in last place in the American League East, 15 games behind the division-leading New York Yankees. What must the Blue Jays do to improve?

This is what I just submitted:

"Considering they're just 2 1/2 games out of third place, they don't need to do much. Getting their two best hitters back from the DL and the Cy Young Award winner back to full speed will be a good start. Keeping the panic and hand-wringing among the fans to a minimum would also be helpful. This is just a low point, and better days are ahead."
Mike Green - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 12:31 PM EDT (#56998) #
I heartily recommend the Zelkovich article Mike M has linked to.

In other news, Mack Jones passed away. COMN for some details of his baseball career and for the news of his passing. For those of us whose memories of Jarry Park include Jonesville, Staubsville, John Bocabella and Coco Laboy, Mack is recalled with fondness.
_Mick - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 12:53 PM EDT (#56999) #
I think every Boxer should submit the most outlandish scenario possible to the Star to see which get published. And if anyone does get published, we need to find them a photo of Bip Roberts petting a cuttlefish.

Dear Star I am a Jayfan and I think to fix the team it would be easy to just trade Berg and these minor leaguers we keep heraing abotu like this John gRiffin Ford guy for Carlos Beltran and Mike Sweeney and Joe Randa and Juan Gonzalez who I hear the Roayls will be giving away for celery cap reasons. Then move Catolonottoto to second base where he used to play and Delgado healthy then Randa can play third and trade Hinske who is terrible to the Red Sox for Garciparria who wants out of town and we might have to throw in a pitcher like I don't know Josh Towers. Then your infield is Delvado, Cat, Nomar and Randa and in tyhe outfield you have Wells andI suppose Gonzalez and we could move Sweeney out to left Field. Or else rred johnson can play in theoutfield and seeney can DH or play first and DelGado can DH. It would be AWESOME!!!!!!! And with that lineup then Holiday would win another cyyoung and Hentgen would get back to wnning 20 games and maybe since the astros aren't doing so good we could go get petite and the brwers sheets. THEN WE WOULD ROOOOL!
_Chuck Van Den C - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 12:54 PM EDT (#57000) #
In other news, Mack Jones passed away.

I grew up in Montreal in the Jarry Park days and was occasionably able to haul my reluctant, off-the-boat father to a handful games. If memory serves, I "recall" seeing Tom Seaver beat the Expos 1-0 on his own homerun, but I have a feeling that a little look-see at Retrosheet might recall the event differently.

The Expos were obviously pretty bad back then (unlike now!), but they did have some cool names: Rusty Staub, Mack Jones, Coco Laboy, Boots Day and of course, the announcer's favourite, John Boccabella, which was always said with a flair entirely disproportionate to the man's skills.

I remember getting autographs at little league baseball banquets from legendary stars like Ron Brand, the part time catcher, part time shortstop (whose C.V. has that these days?).
_Moffatt - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 12:57 PM EDT (#57001) #
Mick: That's brillant! That sounds like a lot of the guys who call Fan 590 (for both baseball and hockey). I wonder if Wilner ever wants to pull his hair out some days.
_Moffatt - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 01:06 PM EDT (#57002) #
I must have missed it, but they've already printed a bunch of responses here.
_Jordan - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 01:10 PM EDT (#57003) #
Mick, you're scaring me. Stop it now.
_Jordan - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 01:18 PM EDT (#57004) #
Try to work a trade for Morneau

Yeah, good thinking. Wasn't someone floating a Clark/Berg superpackage earlier?

It'd be nice if fans would just follow the Rotisserie Rule before proposing a trade: Would you, if you were (a) on the other side, and (b) in your right mind, make this deal? Not that that rule is followed in a lot of my Roto leagues either, of course....
_Moffatt - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 01:22 PM EDT (#57005) #
I like this one:

Where did the the once-most-powerful farm system go? Where did Mel Queen go? I'll tell you - they all went inside J.P. Ricardi's computer.

Has this guy been watching Tron?
_Jobu - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 01:24 PM EDT (#57006) #
Mel Queen, trapped inside JPs computer?

I smell sitcom....
_Kristian - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 01:42 PM EDT (#57007) #
Morneau is out of reach for us but here are some names that might be available,

Mike Wood
Kubel (doubtful)

The Twins have too many OF/DH prospects, the Angels now have enough outfielders and Mike Wood would be nice if the A's need some bullpen help. Any thoughts?
Joe - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 01:44 PM EDT (#57008) #
It surprises me how many people are apparently from out of country on that Star comment roundup. South Korea, Russia; I guess it's not surprising that an internet site is the place for an international Jays fan, just that those fans showed up.
_Matt - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 01:59 PM EDT (#57009) #
JUST OUT OF CURIOUSITY.... So is this site just run independantly by people who're really really into baseball or is there any sort of sponsorship, affiliation with another company, etc? Been wondering that for some time...
_Moffatt - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 02:01 PM EDT (#57010) #
Coach or Craig B can give you a better answer, but the short answer is that we're independent.
_Loveshack - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 02:03 PM EDT (#57011) #
The Jays are going nowhere until they dump Delgado who lets in more runs with his inept fielding than he brings in with his bat.

*This* is the first response they choose to put up on their site? Is it supposed to be like a warning to all readers? Like a sign on the side of the road "Warning: Moronic email responses ahead".
Craig B - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 02:10 PM EDT (#57012) #

The site (I don't think I'm spilling any big secrets in telling you this) is a joint venture between Coach, Gideon and myself. We don't receive any sponsorships nor do we have affiliations with other entities.

Our writers (the Batter's Box Roster) are all volunteers who write purely for the love of what they do, and the occasional reward of points or cuttlefish.
_Rob - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 02:19 PM EDT (#57013) #
No one believes that its necessary to spend 150 million on payroll to win a pennant; but can anyone really believe that cheap offence and minor league prospects is a long term plan for a pennant bid?
So expensive offense and no prospects is better? Does that mean the Yankees have a long term solution? How does a team have a long term plan without minor league prospects?

Injuries are a part of the game and the Jays have been unlucky, not bad. Extreme changes are not the solution, J.P. Riccardi's got the team in great position to contend soon.
I'm surprised the Star printed this one. It's actually postive, and intelligent.

But this is the clear winner: I think having a guy like Cito Gaston on the bench will give this team the extra edge.
Hang on, let me stop laughing long enough to click "Post This Comment."
Joe - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 02:19 PM EDT (#57014) #
I can't speak for any of the rest of the roster, but I write slash admin for the international intrigue, fame and women. Oh, you can never forget about the women.
_Cristian - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 02:21 PM EDT (#57015) #

Your joint venture with Coach and Gideon is a little more insiduous than you are letting on. I've finally found evidence of the Cabal. As an added bonus I've found that this Cabal is connected with mind control. It's not a big leap to conclude that this mind control probably has something to do with the Zombie-like cult that hangs around Battersbox but I'll need to do more research to find that connection. COMN for the conspiracy shattering details. Flu shots Craig? You fiend!
Craig B - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 02:42 PM EDT (#57016) #
Ironically, an e-mail just went around my office asking for "information about Bond Academy in Scarborough" to which I responded, "you'll have to do better than that to get information out of me, Goldfinger!"

I was actually a little disingenuous earlier. While Batter's Box does not have any outside sponsorships or affiliations, the Cabal itself (though of course nonexistent... There Is No Cabal) does in fact have a longterm development deal with X Industries.

I don't think I'd be giving too much away if I indicated that (broadly speaking) our area of shared research is in cybernetically enhanced man/cuttlefish hybrids. Since the Cabal does not exist, progress has been slow.
_Jordan - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 02:56 PM EDT (#57017) #
Craig, we would be remiss if we didn't thank the good people at Global Tetrahedron for their support of our work. And for myself, I'd like to send a shout-out to Hank and the great team over at Globex.
_Rob - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:03 PM EDT (#57018) #
Speaking of which, here is an old 80's game called Cabal:

Moffatt, where were you on that one? :)
_Mick - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:05 PM EDT (#57019) #
Jordan, don't forget ... it's your turn to bring the doughnuts to the Cabal-n-Coffee meeting Sunday brunch. And remember how much Craig likes the radioactive jelly flavored!
_Moffatt - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:05 PM EDT (#57020) #
Pretty good game. I've got it for the NES. :)
_Daryn - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:09 PM EDT (#57021) #
I like Hinske for Nomar, we should definitely do that one...

*straight face, but it took 3 tries*
_Jobu - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:15 PM EDT (#57022) #
Maybe it would work if JP used the Bart Simpson sales tactic

"I'll give you this DELICIOUS thirdbaseman for that crummy old shortstop"

_Rob - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:22 PM EDT (#57023) #
"Try to work a trade for Morneau"

Yeah, good thinking. Wasn't someone floating a Clark/Berg superpackage earlier?

That was me, and I think the Jays could easily get someone named Justin for those two.
_Jobu - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:27 PM EDT (#57024) #
Clark/Berg supertrade? You cant mortgage our future by sending away these crafty veterans for some hot shot prospect who isnt part of the long term plans.
_Rob - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:41 PM EDT (#57025) #
Just for fun, here's what I got offered for Clark and Berg in Baseball Mogul 2004:

- Gregg Zaun
- Marcus Giles
- Juan Rincon
- Justin Speier
- Nick Johnson

Craig B - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:42 PM EDT (#57026) #
That's a nice package for Clark and Berg...
_Jobu - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:43 PM EDT (#57027) #
Wow, I would take anyone on that list (except whose already on the Jays) for Clark and Berg. Especialy Johnson with the 1b questions comming up in the offseason.
Named For Hank - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:44 PM EDT (#57028) #
Lloyd Moseby is on the Fan!
Leigh - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:54 PM EDT (#57029) #
Especialy Johnson

I would take Nick Johnson for anybody in the Blue Jays organization, save for Halladay and Wells.
_Rob - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:54 PM EDT (#57030) #
Don't put much stock in that Mogul stuff. Here are the offers for a Doc/Carlos/Wells package (which is absolutely amazing):

- Jeriome Robertson/Orlando Merced
- Brian Banks/"The Other" Alex Gonzalez
- John Valentin/Brian Roberts
- and THE Ross Gload

3-for-1 for Ross Gload? I like it. ;)
_Rob - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 03:56 PM EDT (#57031) #
Oh, and I was offered Mondesi for Wiggins, but I had to throw in Berg, Thurman, Woodward, Hinske, and Cash.
_Ryan01 - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 04:01 PM EDT (#57032) #,1891,TRN_5709_2973406,00.html
Oh boy, Tracy Ringolsby has wasted no time jumping to kick the Jays and JP while they're down. COMN for his weekly notebook. It's littered with factual errors and convenient omissions. I just don't have the energy to respond to all the absurd claims buried within this article but I have no doubt some other Bauxites will.

Here's a few choice quotes:

J.P. Ricciardi, who has yet to show he is capable of anything more than overhyping and overpaying Eric Hinske, is trying to cash in on the "Moneyball" craze by putting out his own book. The working title is "Chasing Steinbrenner."...

And this is a team that Ricciardi, after spending $10.8 million this season on Ted Lilly ($5 million), Miguel Batista ($3.6 million) and Pat Hentgen ($2.2 million), pronounced would contend for the division title.
_Ryan01 - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 04:02 PM EDT (#57033) #
oops... italics
_Rob - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 04:14 PM EDT (#57034) #
That is a terrible article. I blasted Baker the other day, someone else take over on this one.

Wow. It's just really bad.
Gerry - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 04:30 PM EDT (#57035) #
Joe Morgan thought Billy Beane had written Moneyball. Now Ringolsby, who has been fueding with Michael Lewis, thinks JP has written a book.

Ringolsby is old school all the way so he will not miss a chance to take a shot at JP.
_The Original Ry - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 04:41 PM EDT (#57036) #
Ringolsby is apparently good friends with Bob Elliott. Ringolsby's comment about the scouts was almost a carbon copy of some of the stuff Elliott has written the past couple years. In fact, you could replace Ringolsby's name at the top with Elliott's and I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
_dp - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 04:55 PM EDT (#57037) #
Anyone play Mogul '05 yet?
_Jobu - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 04:59 PM EDT (#57038) #
Such a thing exists?
_Ducey - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 05:17 PM EDT (#57039) #
What the hell is it with Toronto sports writers? They seem to hate all sports teams from Toronto (except maybe the Leafs - which they overhype every September because they have overspent on 2 or 3 aged free agents). Are they bitter they didn't get the business beat, have small penis issues, or think you are not cool or a hard hitting journalist unless you are overly critical?? They are essentially entertainment writers - not far removed from the people who work for Entertainment tonight and report on Britney Spears

I live in Edmonton and the sports writers here can be critical but for the most part realize they have some obligation to support the team.

I am glad there is a good site like this so I don't have to read any of that BS to get an update on the Jays.
_dp - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 05:36 PM EDT (#57040) #
_Jim Bo - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 05:37 PM EDT (#57041) #
This team needs a closer, which is something they lacked since darn I say it Billy Koch was the closer. The relievers need to know their roles and a bonafide closer would allow Speir and Adams and Frasor to work the middle innings and allow Kershner to be the swing man or situational pitching.
Craig B - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 06:17 PM EDT (#57042) #
If Eric Hinske continues at his current pace, he will break the all-time MLB record for fielding percentage by a third baseman. Hinske's currently fielding .993; the ML record is .991 by Steve Buechele in 1991. (For 100+ games... the record for 150+ games is Don Money with .989)

Doesn't mean a lot in the cosmic scope of things, but should be interesting to watch.
_Jim - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 06:48 PM EDT (#57043) #
The Twins are asleep at the switch...

how bout:

Justin Maureau for Justin Morneau
Craig B - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 07:21 PM EDT (#57044) #
If anyone's looking for some baseball before tonight's game, the season opener for the Auburn Doubledays is on the radio right now, head over to Mahoning Valley's website and look near the bottom of the right-hand column for the link.

Jeremy Harper's on the mound for Auburn; I didn't catch the top of the first. Draft steal Aaron Matthews made a spectacular diving catch in deep center on the first Scrappers hitter. Nice beginning...
_greenfrog - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 07:49 PM EDT (#57045) #
I think this Star comment was the most lucid:

"Injuries are a part of the game and the Jays have been unlucky, not bad. Extreme changes are not the solution, J.P. Riccardi's got the team in great position to contend soon. All we have to do to improve is get healthy. Swap a few veterans at the trade deadline and watch the young core win 90 next year. Remember, it was Tosca, not the GM, who predicted 85-90 wins.
Jeremy Murray, Toronto, June 17"

I just hope JP can put together a productive trade or two, and not simply dump payroll. Even trading Delgado (say, to LA) might not fetch much, given the salary burden the receiving team would have to take on--even for half a season.
_perlhack - Friday, June 18 2004 @ 10:04 PM EDT (#57046) #
Mick: I think every Boxer should submit the most outlandish scenario possible to the Star

In the Maple Leaf newsgroup a few years ago, a usenet poster named Chewy submitted the following letter to Leaf management as a humourous response to a more serious letter.

Here's a sampling from the humourous version:

Case in points: The montreal Canadiens are obviously the best team ever. I mean, think about it: 24 cups. Only the New York Yankees have more Stanley cups than that.


If you don't win a cup in five minutes, I'm moving the Leafs to Texas where they can burn in the sun. HAAA! BURN, LEAFS, BURN!!!
_Matt - Saturday, June 19 2004 @ 06:36 AM EDT (#57047) #
Is the toronto star a publication that perpetuates ignorance or something? I mean, whats up with letting tweedle dee and tweedle dum there still keep their respective jobs? I just do not understand these things, especially after the 'white jays', which I'm surprised did not lay kindling to libel lawsuits...

To that matter, and I know there are a fair amount of lawyers here, isn't that textbook defamation what they did? These guys seem to flirt with that line on a regular basis... I know that libel can be defended on the basis of 'opinion' but I was just reading about the matter today and apparently in my little reference book (Plotnik in case you're curious) it says that in order for the opinion defense of libel to work

The opinion expressed must be expressed without malice and must not ascribe to sordid or corrupt motives

I know... I'm sure that someone in legal must've scrutinize these guys line-by-line before they let a Griffin/Baker article go to print, but I think its only a matter of time before they finally manage to cross the line and a lawsuit ensues followed by a long deserved boot to the front of the door....
Jays Roundup - I Reached Inside Myself | 62 comments | Create New Account
The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.