Reader Challenge: What class is next?

Monday, October 11 2010 @ 12:05 PM EDT

Contributed by: Mick Doherty

Long-time (and original) Bauxite Mike Green recently posted thus,
Jimmy McMath passed away recently.  Short career, but great name, and what town would have a high school named "Druid"?

Putting aside the second part of his post (for now, anyway), I was of course struck by the phrase "but great name" -- and indeed it was. It made me wonder, from a Hall of Names perspective -- and I got nothin' here, really -- have there been enough players with names that sound like high school core courses to fill out a whole schedule, or even a whole roster?

I'll be thinking that over in Kelly Shoppach class. Surely you can be more creative than that, Bauxites ... whatchagot?