It's April Fool's Day

Friday, April 01 2005 @ 12:01 AM EST

Contributed by: Mick Doherty

This is an interactive Hall of Names -- something we did once before with the controversial attempt to build an All-Top-40-Hits team -- which means your contributions are required.

We're looking to build a team full of players with the goofiest names in baseball history. That could mean a lot of things .. .

... including, for instance:

Rule: no fictional players allowed, so apologies -- but Nuke LaLoosh will not be trotting in from the bullpen for this team. Nicknames are okay, but truly goofy "real" given/first names or family/surnames will be given preference.

As usual, we'll shoot for a 25-man roster: nine starting players (including a DH), five starting pitchers (preferably RLRLX) and a five-man bullpen (CL, RH-SET, LH-SET, LOOGY, RH-LONG, LH-LONG) and a bench (C, COR IF, MID IF, OF, OF, PH/DH).

So there we are. Fire away with your favorite names ... and be sure to share the joke behind each one, in case it's not "Dick Pole" obvious.