Ask Jerry Howarth (Vol. 2)

Saturday, July 31 2004 @ 12:32 PM EDT

Contributed by: Coach

Back in April, the first time we invited you to Ask Jerry Howarth your questions, the response was overwhelming. The Blue Jays radio voice answered Bauxites in a thread we creatively dubbed Jerry Howarth Q & A (Vol. 1), because we both wanted to make this a regular feature.

A lot has happened, on and off the field, since our last chat. Because of his partner Tom Cheek's illness, Jerry has worked solo, and with numerous other broadcasters. The Jays have been through a devastating series of injuries, and although there are signs of turning the corner, remain in last place. Here's your chance to get the perspective of someone who knows the club as well as anyone.

Please take a moment to review the previous Q & A, then step into Da Box with your questions. The floor is open until Monday evening, then Jerry will answer as many as he can while the Indians are in town and we'll post the full interview late next week.