Game 73: The Long Goodbye

Friday, June 25 2004 @ 06:42 AM EDT

Contributed by: Jordan

I can't say it better than Spencer Fordin did. Stop if you've heard this one before: When the Blue Jays and Expos play this weekend, it could well be the final time two Canadian teams square off against each other on Canadian soil. This time, though, it looks like it might be for keeps: the Expos will have a new home next year, and for reasons known only to Selig & Co., the Jays-Expos rematch next weekend takes place in Puerto Rico, not La Belle Province. Nice. Anyway, let's save the eulogies for the funeral. Talented young righty Zach Day goes for Montreal, opposed by Josh Towers. We were talking about sad four-word phrases the other day, and here's another one: "Leadoff DH Howie Clark." And yes, Josh Phelps once again is watching from the bench. It's already been a looong summer.